The Top 10 Best Biomimicry Examples of 2021 🏆

Jul 08, 2021

Hi there, Change Makers

Below is a list of our top 10 innovations inspired by nature for 2021. Each solution has an emerging biomimicry-based business. We look forward to seeing how they grow and evolve over time. 

This year’s Biomimicry Institute Ray of Hope Prize goes to...

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Why Biomimicry - The Big Picture Part 2

Feb 24, 2021


Consider this: all the ants on the planet, taken together, have a biomass greater than that of humans. Ants have been incredibly industrious for millions of years. Yet their productiveness nourishes plants, animals, and soil. Human industry has been in...

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Why Biomimicry? The Big Picture Part 1

Feb 03, 2021


In 2014 Forbes magazine published an article on the “Five Tech Trends that Can Drive Company Success” (Forbes)
The ability to innovate is a driver of productivity, competitiveness and prosperity. Innovation requires entrepreneurs to...

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Meet our Learn Biomimicry logo

Jan 11, 2021

We’re excited to launch our logo. It’s a whale’s tale combined with a book. It represents to us: - Nature as a living library; containing all the wisdom and inspiration needed for designing a world where all of life can thrive. It’s the simple, yet profound idea that...

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eBook: A Field Guide to Biomimicry

50% Complete