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Project Possibilities: Mapping a Company's Organism Lifecycle Stages

Jul 02, 2024

"About 90% of startups fail."

There was a collective wince. Then, a moment of held breath, as we each peered at the statistics, assessing our own personal level of risk. Some nervous laughs. Some uncomfortable shifting in seats. Nadezhda pressed on with her final presentation. 

Business is...

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The Best Biomimicry Podcasts of 2024

Jun 24, 2024

Podcasts - Isn’t it just a dream that we can walk in nature and learn from nature?

Podcasts make learning biomimicry accessible, engaging and convenient - and if this is how you learn, then the question is - what biomimicry podcasts should you listen to? 

Today we’re listing our...

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Top Biomimicry Master Programmes: Your 2024 Guide

Jun 14, 2024

To Bsc or not to Bsc ... that is the question.

If you are seeking a leading Biomimicry Masters Programme (or considering doing a PHd in Biomimicry), you've arrived. Sounds like you are ready to take the next step in your biomimicry career.

With the growing emphasis on sustainable practices...

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Biomimicry Project Possibilities: How One Woman is Prototyping the Way to Nature Based Solutions and Cellulose-Based Fibre Production

May 15, 2024

Interview of Learn Biomimicry’s most recent Biomimicry Practitioner, Annelien Eyskens.

In our world surrounded by sustainability challenges, there is an urgent need for innovative solutions. Though often overlooked by all of us (including me at times), one promising approach is asking...

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Biomimicry Confluence - Lessons from the Flow 🦦

Apr 02, 2024

Hey biomimics

What a mind-blowing two days at the #BiomimicryConfluence! Learn Biomimicry and I are feeling deeply moved by the magic the Biomimicry Confluence collectively generated. 

As we flow out into the ocean from the first Biomimicry Confluence, this article aims...

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Biomimicry Examples in Action: Minimizing Food Waste with GreenPod Labs

Feb 20, 2024

Today, I want to share with you an inspiring story of biomimicry in action - one that is close to my heart — a tale of how a small yet passionate startup is using biomimicry to tackle the global challenge of food waste. 

This is the journey of GreenPod Labs, and its founder, Deepak,...

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Grown to Order: 10 Biomimicry Product Examples for Nature-Inspired Designers

Feb 06, 2024

If you’ve been hanging around the biomimicry space for a hot sec — you might have heard of the variety of ways in which biomimicry can be applied. 

You might have heard things like what can we learn from studying a plant, a fungus, an alga, or the human eye?


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The Top 5 Biomimicry Incubators, Competitions and Accelerators to Seed Your Business

Jan 30, 2024

From entrepreneur to eco-innovator, these are the five leading biomimicry incubators / accelerators from around the world. They are all unique, but share one thing in common - they’re all focused on the overlap - where business innovation meets nature's brilliance.

Whether you're an...

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Michael Pawlyn’s Biomimicry in Architecture - Book Summary and Insights

Dec 07, 2023

Dear designer, 

Some lucky individuals just have it

They can dance to the music of nature. Without a fuss, and to the beat. 

That's Michael Pawlyn, a pioneer of biomimicry, nature-inspired design extraordinaire… and someone who was born to design to the music of nature.


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The Lighter Side of Biomimicry: Structural Color

Nov 17, 2023

Structural color is a natural wonder.

Sadly, this nature-inspired innovation has yet to fully see the light of day.

We’re striving to change that through sharing the best of what nature has already figured out. 

This article explains what structural color is, how it was discovered, and...

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eBook: A Field Guide to Biomimicry

50% Complete