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Biomimicry Design Frameworks for Nature-Inspired Innovation

Whether you start with biological inspiration that leads to a design, or whether you start with a challenge and then look to nature for design solutions, there are 4 key phases/steps in the practice of biomimicry. Biomimicry is fundamentally a translation between nature and design, and in today’s article, we’ll focus on the two design frameworks for applying biomimicry.

Biomimicry Design Frameworks

Also known as Biomimicry Thinking and the Biomimicry Design Methodology

The 4 key stages in the Biomimicry Thinking / Design framework are:

  1. DISCOVER: Discover the strategies and mechanisms.
  2. EXPLORE: Explore the functions and the context.
  3. CREATE: Create designs inspired by the organism.
  4. EVALUATE: Evaluate your design using Life’s Principles.

Okay, so that seems similar to the Design Thinking framework, and at first glance it is. Biomimicry Framework differs radically from Design Thinking though. This is because biomimicry is orientated around functions and context

Hint: That’s the heart of biomimicry (functions and context). 

How do you do biomimicry:

There are two formal ways to do biomimicry, and both ways integrate all 4 design stages:

  1. Biology to Design, and
  2. Challenge to Biology

Biomimicry Design Framework 1:
Biology to Design

Biology to Design is where you are inspired by a biological organism/ecosystem and then go about identifying where you can apply that inspiration into design.

The Biology to Design Framework follows these four stages:

Discover the natural model, its strategies and its mechanisms.
- You could abstract a design principle here, but only if you know what is relevant.
That may only come later once you have identified a clear design application.

Explore & identify the function and context in which your natural model operates, and bridge that to a similar function and context in human design.

After abstracting the relevant design principle(s), brainstorm potential applications and then integrate the principle(s) into your final design.

Prototype or evaluate your design(s) against Life's Principles.
This may lead to revisiting one or more of these 4 stages again.

What does this look like in practice?

Biomimicry Framework Example - Biology to Design:

What can we learn from Gecko’s feet?
🎬 This video explains the insights best.

It’s well known that geckos attach to surfaces effectively. The University of Massachusetts researchers figured out a revolutionary mechanism through their research.


Discover the natural model, its strategies and its mechanisms.

A team of polymer scientists and a biologist set out to ask the question: What can we learn from Geckos? This led to a better understanding of exactly how the gecko does it, leading them to invent Geckskin, a device that can hold +300 kg on a smooth wall. 

Strategy: Geckos can adhere to surfaces in any orientation, without the use of chemical adhesives.

Mechanism: Microscopic spatula-shaped “hairs” on the feet invoke Van Der Waals forces – the adhesive forces between objects at the molecular level. The microscopic hairs make a layer that is soft enough to create a high contact surface area, increasing the Van Den Waals adhesion force.  

The insight: By looking at the gecko as a whole and not just the tiny hairs which were assumed to be the key function. The researchers looked at the underlying anatomy, including the tendons and soft tissue of the skin. The tendons underlying the hairs are of a stiff enough material to ensure that the soft outer layer stays stretched out and to overcome the force of the soft material’s inherent elastic properties to “bounce back” or be repelled by the surface. This is known as draping adhesion.

Zooming in helps us to better understand key biological functions.
Reference: Gecko Adhesion as a Model System for Integrative Biology, Interdisciplinary Science, and Bioinspired Engineering. Autumn et al. (2014).

Tip: Perhaps this is an obvious point but it is worth sharing, the Discovery phase and the resulting insights are fundamental to achieving a Biology to Design framework. Without any key insights, you will be unable to move beyond this phase.


Explore the underlying functions and the (similar) context

The next step was to identify the underlying function & context:

Function: To form a strong attachment, temporarily (using form/physics, no chemical adhesives)
Context: Solid dry surfaces (not dusty or sandy), natural or manmade, rigid or flexible, flat or contoured


Abstract the design principle (using function, context, strategy & mechanism to guide you). Create designs that are inspired by the model’s abstracted design principle. 

Abstracted design principle: Replicate the material properties of the gecko’s foot: with an outer soft, rubbery material, which increases the contact area’s Van Der Waals adhesion force, supported by a stiff material layer to create draping adhesion. 

Design: Create a new fabric that has a smooth rubbery adhesive layer with a stiff supporting fabric.

The end result is an adhesive device that is powerful, easily removed, leaves no residue and is not produced using expensive nanotechnology.

Hint: Don’t stop at one idea – iterate and apply the design principle to a number of different ideas and possible contexts.


Evaluate your design using Biomimicry Life’s Principles. You can also integrate Life’s Principles as part of the design process, in order to improve your product as you go along, making it more robust and well-adapted.

The researchers went on to test and prototype their creations, and the outcome was simply brilliant. 

The outcome: The use of simple materials in a very novel way. 

The key innovation by the Geckskin team was to create a strong adhesive material using everyday materials. This was achieved by understanding the material properties that enable adhesion, and emulating these at a larger scale by creating an integrated adhesive fabric with a soft pad woven into a stiff fabric, This allows the pad to drape over a surface to maximize contact and doesn’t rely on nanotechnology.  As in natural gecko feet, this design has strong adhesive properties and maintains stiffness and rotational freedom.

Why this innovation works: It gets close enough to the surface that the Van der Waals interactions can become strong. It can hold 300 kg on an index card-size pad. With a simple twist of the pad, it peels off with minimal force, and it doesn't mark the service at all. One of the really important things is that you can do this over and over and over again.

A valuable next stage for these research and development teams would be an evaluation of their designs against the Biomimicry Life’s Principles, to identify how to make their products more life-friendly, adaptive, attuned and responsive, resilient, circular, etc.

Biomimicry Design Framework 2:
Challenge to Biology 

Challenge to Biology is where you begin with a challenge to solve or a design to create and you deliberately look to nature for design inspiration or for how to solve the challenge.

The 4 steps of the Challenge to Biology method:

  1. EXPLORE - Explore the human design challenge in depth. Identify the function(s), context(s) and scale(s) that form the parameters of your challenge.
  2. DISCOVER - Search extensively to discover the natural model(s) that match your criteria, then find their strategies and mechanisms.
    Use these, as well as function & context cues, to develop your abstracted design principles).
  3. CREATE - Using the abstracted design principle as a basis, brainstorm some ideas for your design solution.
    Numerous models and abstracted design principles can be integrated into your design. Keep in mind the distilled function and context of your challenge.
  4. EVALUATE - Evaluate your design(s) against Life's Principles. This may lead to revisiting one or more of these 4 stages again.

Notice how Step 1 and Step 2 are swapped around from Biology to Design. We first need to fully understand the design challenge (EXPLORE) before we can move on to looking for biological inspiration for solutions (DISCOVER).

Let's explain this with an applied example of this biomimicry framework.

Challenge to Biology Framework Example: Slips


Explore the human design challenge in depth. Identify the function(s), context(s) and scale(s) that form the parameters of your challenge.

“Rather than finding an interesting technology and having no idea how it is applicable, now we start with a problem and look for technologies to address it.” 
- Joanna Aizenberg, Harvard Wyss Institute.

This was the case with Harvard researcher Joanna Aizenberg’s group’s work on the omniphobic surfaces known as SLIPS, short for slippery liquid-infused porous surfaces. They were on the hunt for materials that could repel both oil and water to create surfaces for handling biomedical fluids, transporting fuel, preventing biofouling, and repelling water to prevent ice formation. Existing “non-stick” surface coatings were only partially effective, and were particularly ineffective against challenges such as bacteria and colonizing microorganisms.

The pitcher plant has developed an extremely slippery surface that can trap insects. The surfaces of Nepenthes pitcher plant rims are super-slippery thanks to a microtextural roughness, with tiny pores that lock in a lubricating layer of water. When unlucky insects walk on this slick surface, they cannot hold onto this low-friction surface and they fall into digestive juices at the bottom of the plant’s bloom. How’s that for millions of years of evolution? 


Search extensively to discover the natural model(s) that match your criteria, then find their strategies and mechanisms. Use these, as well as function & context cues, to develop your abstracted design principle(s).

The pitcher plant has developed an extremely slippery surface that can trap insects. The surfaces of Nepenthes pitcher plant rims are super-slippery thanks to a microtextural roughness, with tiny pores that lock in a lubricating layer of water. When unlucky insects walk on this slick surface, they cannot hold onto this low-friction surface and they fall into digestive juices at the bottom of the plant’s bloom. How’s that for millions of years of evolution?

Reference: Guided droplet transport on synthetic slippery surfaces inspired by a pitcher plant

Hint: AskNature is an incredibly useful resource for this phase. Another step might be to connect with a biologist specializing in the field that’s applicable. 


Using the abstracted design principle as a basis, brainstorm some ideas for your design solution.
Numerous models and abstracted design principles can be integrated into your design.
Keep in mind the distilled function and context of your challenge.

Abstracted design principle: A micro-textural roughness that locks in a lubricating layer of water creates a super-slippery surface.

SLIPS was pioneered by Joanna Aizenberg, PhD, a Wyss Institute Core Faculty Member and the Amy Smith Berylson Professor of Materials Science at Harvard University’s School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS). SLIPS is a porous network of Teflon nanofibers that are infused, like a sponge, with an oil- and water-repelling fluid, mimicking the pitcher plant and enhancing performance and functionality by repelling fluids of all types. 

The SLIPS technology has spawned a new company – Adaptive Surface Technologies, which focuses on surface-enhancement products.


Evaluate your design(s). This may lead to revisiting one or more of these 4 stages again.

Evaluate this technology through tests, and prototyping. A useful tool here (and the general guideline when practising biomimicry) is to evaluate against the Biomimicry Life’s Principles. This step cannot be done properly until you have learnt more about the Biomimicry Life’s Principles (check out our Biomimicry short Course Set), but try to consider how you could make this design as life-friendly as possible… How might we create this slippery surface without toxic fluoropolymers, like Teflon, but with life-friendly chemistry like that used by the pitcher plant? Consider its immediate context and the bigger system.


Image: An environmental solution to biological fouling on a ship's hull.
Reference: Adaptive Surface Technologies

Today, Adaptive Surface Technologies is a world leader in repellent surfaces. They have 3 key products which focus on marine applications, industrial applications and consumer packaging. Each product integrates this high-performance biological strategy, with a focus on low environmental impact.

Is there more than one way to do biomimicry?

Yes. You do not need to formally follow a framework, and there are a number of alternative ways to apply nature-inspired innovations. Following a framework is a great way to get started, but not all biomimics follow such a formal structure. At least not consciously. The Biomimicry framework is a useful way to think about applying biomimicry, but it is not the only way. 

📚 Remember: In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is. Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice.
We created the Biomimicry Practitioner Programme to assist you do just that... put biomimicry into practice. 

Biomimicry Framework Key takeaways:

A critical first step in the practice of biomimicry is to remind ourselves to learn FROM nature, not just ABOUT nature. These two Biomimicry Design Frameworks or Biomimicry Thinking methodologies outline key steps when biomimicry is applied to the design of new products, processes or systems. The design process can begin with biological inspiration and then proceed with design, or begin with a design challenge, and then explore biology for design solutions. Whether following Biology to Design or Design/Challenge to Biology approach, there are 4 key phases/steps to include in both, but in a slightly different order:

  • EXPLORE (or Scoping the challenge) which integrates the critical translation step of identifying FUNCTION and CONTEXT and add Life’s Principles to your design brief.
  • DISCOVER natural models that meet that function in context and then abstract design principles
  • CREATE: Brainstorm design ideas that are based on the abstracted design principles
  • EVALUATE your designs including against Life’s Principles. 

Interested in diving deeper?

Understand biomimicry, quickly & easily. Download this free ebook: A Field Guide to Biomimicry. A beautiful, easy-to-use, 27-page eBook that you can keep coming back to.


Click here to download your ebook

Until next time,

Think Outside
The Learn Biomimicry Team

PS - Did you know that there is actually a (mysterious) third framework for Biomimicry? Email us with the question “What’s the third framework” at [email protected] to learn more


Biomimicry Resource Handbook - Biomimicry 3.8

Bartlett, M. D., Croll, A. B., King, D. R., Paret, B. M., Irschick, D. J., & Crosby, A. J. (2012). Looking Beyond Fibrillar Features to Scale Gecko‐Like Adhesion. Looking beyond fibrillar features to scale Gecko-like adhesion. Advanced Materials, 24(8), 1078–1083. 

Biomimicry Institute. (2012a). Feet Are Super Sticky but Don’t Get Dirty — Biological Strategy — AskNature

Biomimicry Institute. (2012b). Pitcher Rims Are Extremely Slippery — Biological Strategy — AskNature

Bohn, H. F., & Federle, W. (2004). Insect aquaplaning: Nepenthes pitcher plants capture prey with the peristome, a fully wettable water-lubricated anisotropic surface. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 101(39), 14138–14143. 

King, D. R., Bartlett, M. D., Gilman, C. A., Irschick, D. J., & Crosby, A. J. (2014). Creating Gecko‐Like Adhesives for “Real World” Surfaces. Advanced Materials, 26(25), 4345–4351.


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