Why biomimicry?

"The major problems in the world are the result of the difference between how nature works and the way people think." - Gregory Bateson
Biomimicry rises up to meet the challenges and opportunities of our time. It is a practical response with a tangible, proven methodology for applying nature's genius to solving challenges and for designing innovative and sustainable products, processes, buildings, factories, agriculture, as well as teams/organisations, businesses, economies, policies and more.
If you design anything at all, biomimicry is an essential skill-set to solve the challenges that are arising from the perfect storm of 21st century pressures that are upon us.
Want to know more?
Start your biomimicry learning journey here, with these comprehensive and easy-to-use courses.
Our CoursesWhat is biomimicry?
"Creating conditions conducive to Life"
“Bios” means life, and “mimicry” means imitate. Biomimicry is the practice of learning from and then emulating life’s genius to solve design challenges and create more sustainable designs. "Life" is a word that you hear often in biomimicry... but... what is life? And what does it mean to design for it? Find out from our co-founder and course instructor, Claire Janisch in this short video.
When you realise that the simple act of learning from and emulating nature’s time tested genius is so profoundly impactful, it’s one of the most inspiring approaches to the world's big challenges that you’ll discover.