Introduction to Biomimicry


EcoTraining has partnered with Learn Biomimicry to bring you
online training in innovation inspired by nature. 

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EcoTraining about image

Who is EcoTraining?

Operating for 27 years, EcoTraining is the pioneer and leader in safari guide and wildlife training in Africa. Our vision is to be the global leader in environmental education by reconnecting people with nature. EcoTraining is widely recognised by the safari industry for its credibility and standard of excellence in nature guide training. To date EcoTraining has trained over 12 000 people from 33 different countries around the world.

What is biomimicry?

Learn Biomimicry is partnering with EcoTraining to offer world-class biomimicry training. Biomimicry is a new lens with which to view and understand nature - as a source of inspiration for solving challenges and innovation towards sustainable products, processes and systems. Biomimicry is the practice of learning FROM (rather than ABOUT) nature. The innovations that have emerged from the field of biomimicry are inspiring and offer a glimpse of a hopeful future for humanity - one where our designs are truly sustainable.

Who should take this course?

This online biomimicry course is applicable to anyone who’d love to expand their knowledge, insight and wisdom in learning from nature. It’s a great opportunity for field guides to add a fascinating edge to their guiding. Each person you guide lives and works in a world beyond nature, biomimicry offers a bridge between the natural world and the human/designed world. Your guests will leave with meaningful value added to their nature experience and understanding of how to bring the genius and wisdom of nature into their work and their world.

See testimonials

Introduction to Biomimicry course


Endorsed by
industry leaders

Supported by the Biomimicry Institute, Biomimicry 3.8 and – of course – EcoTraining.

Study anytime, 

Our course platform is responsive and adapts to any device, allowing you to learn on the go.

Take your training
to a new level

Gain a deeper understanding of how to shift the way that we value nature.

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Introduction to Biomimicry


  • Course Introduction
  • Why biomimicry:
    5 x subsections
  • What is Biomimicry:
    5 x subsections
  • How do we practice biomimicry:
    8 x subsections
  • Digital handbooks for each section
  • Automatically graded quizzes
  • Certificate of completion

About this course

The Introduction to Biomimicry foundational short course is designed for people who have heard of biomimicry, are curious about it, and may even have a basic understanding of it already.

The objective of this course is to give you a strong foundational understanding of biomimicry. We go from fundamental concepts to in-depth explanations of how to practically apply biomimicry, using engaging visuals and real-world examples.

You can use this knowledge to start applying biomimicry to your life and work, as well as to take your biomimicry learning journey further.

Introduction to Biomimicry

Foundational Short Course


The Introduction to Biomimicry short course is accessible
via desktop, mobile device or the Learn Biomimicry app.
Learn anywhere, anytime, on the go. 

$ 109.00

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Want to know more?

If you have any questions about the course, or Learn Biomimicry's other online course offerings, follow the links below.  

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